Sabtu, 13 Juni 2009

Creativity Program For Young Adults

The several claims in the current literature on creativity :
1. Creativity can be developed or at least fostered
2. Creativity can’t be developed in a vacuum but only within a specific domain
3. All persons can be creative in some field, although some people suffer from various inhibitions
4. Creativity is nearer to puberty or early adolescence than to early childhood due to experiences, maturation, volition as wellas the complex cognitive abilities required
5. Creativity and intelligence are independent only up to a certain threshold, beyond which they become independent
6. Creative activities should not be time limited as”such limits constrain ideational fluency by cutting off the flow of ideas”
7. Ideational skill, the ability to generate new ideas, is considered to be the most significant creative skill.

Resource : Nurturing Talent

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